On everybody’s list of great promo items are Coasters and Water bottles, but no plastic please.
Water bottles. Ahh. We’re back to the high brand awareness swag ideas, says Kevin Andersen. What has replaced plastic on the list is stainless steel. Many people are still using stainless steel water bottle, coffee mugs and beer mugs that they have adopted as their favorites. And it does not cost that much more with a good insulated utensil for cold or hot beverages. For a quality event with quality attendees cheap is not a great idea if you are looking at the ROI (return on investment). So, put a good message or image on a mug or water/sports drink bottle and you have a brand enthusiast for as long as stainless steel last. Research has shown people always appreciate quality, a nice brand image, useability, solid functionality and flair the bespeaks originality. Give people what is universally sought after and they will willingly help you brand.

There are very few places anyone goes today that water bottles are not seen. Laser engraving makes the look, feel and texture of bamboo not noticeable.
Mugs are in that group-beer, coffee, or tea mugs are another option.

Food grade stainless steel is know by its formula in the foundry process-403 stainless steel.